Monday, December 27, 2010

The Truth Behind Some Beauty Myths

Beautiful woman
When we were struggling through those awkward teenage years, when our hormones were wreaking havoc on our bodies and our skin, we were most likely inundated by advice from our mothers and grandmothers, and even our girlfriends, on what we should do to keep ourselves beautiful despite the storm of changes upon us and upon our bodies. Some of them sound sensible, while some sound totally absurd.
But even if these pieces of advice sound really silly, there are some of them that we could not easily shake off. They seem to work for us, and why let go of a good thing if it is working somewhat?
Nonetheless, for curiosity's sake, sometimes there is a need to ask. Do the beauty practices handed down to us by our mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends that we have religiously observed through the years hold a grain of scientific truth in them, or are they merely beauty myths spun by old wives? 
Beauty Myth #1: Plucking white hairs yields more white hairs.
Beauty Myth #2: Shaving the hair makes it grow back thicker.
Beauty Myth #3: Mayonnaise makes for a great conditioner.
Beauty Myth #4: Applying ice to the skin makes the pores smaller.
Beauty Myth #5: Toothpaste can cure pimples
Beauty Myth #6: Applying beer on the skin before going for a sun tan results in a golden glow.
Beauty Myth #7: Crossing the legs leads to varicose veins.
Beauty Myth #8: Washing the feet when tired will make the veins swell.

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